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Payment through taximeter

The customer orders a taxi in the taxi company's app. After the journey, the taximeter automatically initiates a payment request to Vipps or MobilePay with the customer's phone number, which is already known. The customer's Vipps or MobilePay app opens, and the customer pays the amount due.


Step 1. Get the customer's phone number

Get the customer's phone number through the taxi app or ask them for it and enter it manually.

Step 2. Initiate a payment request

Use the customer's phone number to send them a request for the taxi fare.

Detailed example

To create this payment, you first send a create payment request, where customer.phoneNumber is set.

Use userFlow:PUSH_MESSAGE and "customerInteraction": "CUSTOMER_PRESENT" while initiating the payment. You need the customer's phone number to send them a request from the taximeter.

You may also attach the receipt at this time.

Here is an example HTTP POST:


"amount": {
"value": 100000,
"currency": "NOK"
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "WALLET"
"customer": {
"phoneNumber": 4712345678
"customerInteraction": "CUSTOMER_PRESENT",
"orderLines": [
"name": "trip",
"id": "line_item_1",
"totalAmount": 100000,
"totalAmountExcludingTax": 80000,
"totalTaxAmount": 20000,
"taxRate": 2550,
"bottomLine": {
"currency": "NOK",
"posId": "taxi_122",
"tipAmount": 10000,
"receiptNumber": "0527013501"
"reference": 2486791679658155992,
"userFlow": "PUSH_MESSAGE",
"returnUrl": "",
"paymentDescription": "Travel from Oslo central station to Oslo airport"

Step 3. The customer approves the payment

The payment request will appear in the customer's Vipps or MobilePay app, where they can select to pay or cancel.

Once the payment is approved, update the status in your system.

Step 4. Capture the amount due

Capture the payment and confirm that it was successful.

Detailed example


With body:

"modificationAmount": {
"value": 100000,
"currency": "NOK"

Sequence diagram

Integration sequences for taxi payment through taximeter flow.

Payment through taximeter flow

Next steps

Explore the other flows in this section. When you are ready to learn about the technical details, go to the ePayment API guide.

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