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How to sign up merchants

To sign up a new merchant, they must apply for services with Vipps MobilePay and order a product. Once they have a Vipps MobilePay sales unit, they can begin to use a partner.

When a new merchant gets their Vipps MobilePay application approved, an email is sent to both the merchant and the partner with information about:

  • The merchant's organization number
  • The merchant's name
  • The sales unit's MSN
  • The sales unit's name

To sign up a merchant that is working with another partner, see How can a merchant change partners.


It is not possible to pay the partner instead of the merchant. See also: Can I create a marketplace with multiple merchants?


Signing up merchants with the Management API

Partners that have their own API keys can use the Management API.

Partners that do not have their own API keys can't use the Management API to prefill a product order, must use manual signup.

The Management API enables a partner to "prefill" the product order form on on behalf of a merchant, so the merchant can log in, check the data, and submit the product order.

See: Prefill a product order.


A partner that only rarely needs to onboard a new merchant can have the merchant order a product on instead of using the Management API's "prefill" functionality. The partner may also log in on there and manually fill in the form, which will be similar to using the Management API's "prefill" functionality.

Sequence diagram for signup with prefill

Manually signing up a merchant

We recommend that you use the Management API's prefill functionality to sign up a new merchant, because it is much faster and easier to get all the details correct since you can prefill the product order information.

Woman tapping phone

Otherwise, the merchant can manually sign up as follows:

  1. The merchant logs in to

    If they don't already have a customer relationship with Vipps MobilePay, they need to register on and create a merchant agreement as described in Applying for services.

  2. Once the merchant has a customer relationship with Vipps MobilePay, they can apply for the relevant Vipps MobilePay product(s) on

    It's the partner's responsibility to make sure the merchant has all necessary information to fill out the application correctly.

    When the merchant applies for a product, they must select:

    • The product (or use a direct link as above)
    • The partner
    • The price package, typically "Price 1", "Price 2" or "Price 3". Although it's not ideal to let merchants select the price package, this is needed when not using the Management API.
  3. We process the application and perform customer control (KYC, PEP, AML, etc.). This may take a few days, depending on the information provided and the workload and the quality and completeness of the application. See the Typical reasons for delays.

  4. The merchant can check the status of the application on at any time. We don't have the capacity to answer emails with status inquiries. If the partner wants to know the status, they can check with the merchant.

  5. We notify the merchant and the partner by email that the application is approved, with the new MSN, and that the merchant can now use the Vipps MobilePay products. Both the merchant and the partner receive exactly the same information.


    If the application is declined, only the merchant is notified, as we may not be allowed to share the reason for declining.

The partner can now use their partner keys and the merchant's new MSN to make payments. Alternatively, if the partner doesn't want to use partner keys, they can ask the merchant to create a user for them, so they can get access to the merchant's MSN.

For information about user permissions, see: Portal: Users.

Checking the status of a product order

The Management API has functionality to:

  • There are strict rules for what information we are allowed to share with a partner. To give more details than the above, we require consent from the merchant, and the merchant must also be able to withdraw that consent. We do not have that consent management system, and it is unlikely that we will implement it.
  • Partners can use Get the sales units for a merchant by business identifier to check if a merchant's sales unit is live.
  • The best way to check the status of a product order is for the merchant to check on
  • See: Typical reasons for delays.

Typical reasons for delays

  • Vipps MobilePay has sent an email requesting additional information, but has not received a reply. Merchants should check their "spam" and try to search their email for "vipps".
  • The merchant has signed a merchant agreement, but has not ordered any Vipps MobilePay products.
  • The application is not signed by a person that has signatory rights.
  • The merchant's website does not meet the regional regulatory terms and conditions.
  • The merchant's website does not have the organization number clearly visible.
  • The merchant has not provided enough information about what they want to use Vipps MobilePay for.
  • If the merchant's website is not the distribution channel, the requirements mentioned above also apply to the partner's platform.
  • The application has been declined. Vipps MobilePay only informs the merchant about this, not the partner. The reason for declining may be related to risk and compliance, and thus sensitive.

See the application solution on for more help and tips.

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