Polling guidelines
To find out if a user has approved a request, you will need to poll for the response through the API:
- ePayment API: Get the payment
- Recurring API: Charge states
- eCom API: Get payment details
Our general guidelines for polling are:
- Start after 5 seconds
- Check every 2 seconds
However, different merchants have different use cases, and values should be adapted to the specific case.
Some APIs provide webhooks and callbacks, but you shouldn't rely on these alone if you need real-time data. As backup, you should implement polling in case of delayed webhooks and callbacks.
Rate limits
Some APIs limit the rate of polling to prevent incorrect use.
If you get a HTTP 429 Too Many Requests
error, please try to reduce your polling speed.
For more details about rate limiting, see the relevant API details:
Related topic: Timeouts