Frequently asked questions
Here are the profile sharing and Userinfo API Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ).
What is the sub
See API Guide: Sub.
Why can I get userinfo after the user has revoked consent?
During a log-in or a payment session, the user can consent to share information if it's requested by the merchant. The user's information is then available for the merchant from the userinfo endpoint. For login sessions, user information is available for the ongoing login session.
To better support merchants that do not handle online fetching and processing of the user info as part of a payment session, we keep this information accessible for the merchant for the next 168 hours, even though the user revokes the consent in this period. Revoking consents will immediately affect future login and payment sessions.
How can I get updated information, like addresses, for a user?
When the user consents to sharing information with the merchant, the merchant has 168 hours to retrieve the information They must then save this information and handle everything according to GDPR.
If the merchant needs an updated address for the user, they must ask the user for a new consent.
With the Login API, the merchant can retrieve updated information every time the user logs in.
How can we detect users' consent removal?
Or: How can our system dynamically "know/find out" if the user has revoked the consent for us to have access to his/her personal data in our system?
Your system can dynamically detect when a user's consent has been revoked by using the Login API's Consent webhooks.
Who can get access to NIN and how?
Only merchants with legal requirements or other objective needs for getting access to user's National Identity Number (NIN) can get access.
For more details, see Who can get access to NIN and how.