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Getting started

In order to implement MobilePay Online, you must first obtain an agreement by submitting the PSP partner form Once the agreement is signed, you will get access to our test environment and can test the API.



MobilePay Online does not use the same security solution as the remaining Vipps MobilePay APIs. If you already have test credentials or partner keys these cannot be used for MobilePay Online. You must request new credentials.

  • Credentials: During onboarding, you will receive a client ID and client secret for test, as well as a test user. If needed, you can request a new by contacting Please state if you need a Danish or Finnish user.
  • Endpoints: The test endpoints can be found in the API specification.
  • Test app: Download and login instructions for the test app can be found on the test apps page.

Note: It's not possible to add your own cards to the test users. Instead, you can use magic numbers.


You must supply two PublicKeys for Card encryption: The RSA public key should be provided as X.509 SubjectPublicKeyInfo (using ASN.1 DER Encoding) represented in PEM encoding (use PEM file extension). The public key must have a length of 4096 bits. You must clearly state in the file name which one is for Sandbox and which is for Production.

Naming template for public key: {integratorname}-{environment}-public

Example for sandbox: company-sandprod-public

Example for production: company-prod-public

Please send the PublicKeys in a ZIP-file. We will register the keys and supply you with a PublicKeyId to be used when initiating payments.


Please note that if a public key is unused for 6 months, we will delete it. If this happens you must supply a new public key.

Public key for encrypted PAN callback payload decryption

A callback will be made on the encryptedPanCallbackUrl when using Card data callback.

For testing in the sandbox:

  1. The response from the encrypted PAN callback will be a valid encrypted payload for an RSA2048 key
  2. Decrypt the response with the following: sandbox private test key

Magic numbers for EMVCo Tokens

It is not possible to add payment cards in the test app. Any request to the PSP API will return a Visa Token. However, this can be changed by setting the amount in the init request.

No matter what is selected in the app, the token returned by the MakePayment request will be:

Amount Value (minor currency unit)Token NumberExpiryCryptogram
3100Emulates Card not eligible
All other amounts489537001319350005/25AlhlvxmN2ZKuAAESNFZ4GoABFA==

For instance:

"amount": 3100, Will emulate a card that is not eligible.

PAN test card

"amount": 5400 will result in a card data callback with an encrypted VISA-DEBIT PAN.

"amount": 3100 which emulates Card not eligible will fallback to PAN and also result in a card data callback.

Test options for merchants

It is the responsibility of the PSP to offer test options to their merchants. It's not possible for merchants to perform tests directly towards MobilePay.

There are two test options you can use:

  1. Perform tests using the test API. To do this, you must supply your merchants with the test user that we have supplied to you during technical onboarding. Your merchants can either use the test app or you can make the user simulation API available to them. It is your responsibility to instruct and support merchants in the use of our test app and user simulation API.

  2. Perform tests using the production API. In order to perform tests in production, you can either create a merchantId used only for test payments or merchants can test using their own merchantId. To do this, merchants must use the production MobilePay app downloaded through App store or Google Play and a production user. All payments should be cancelled to ensure that not transactions are completed.

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